Cosmetology School Financial Aid Resources

Education is a big investment. The training you’ll receive at PJ’s College of Cosmetology increases your chances of finding a great career and it decreases your chance of being unemployed. You’ll be more likely to find an interesting, rewarding career in a field that offers a lot of opportunity. When you graduate from PJ’s College of Cosmetology, you stand a better chance of finding a job and making more money than your peers with less education. Combine that with greater opportunities for job satisfaction, and your PJ’s training becomes an investment that’s hard to beat! We suggest you download The Guide to Federal Student Aid and visit for more information.

Financial resources available to those who qualify:

FEDERAL GRANTS are monies given to people to help pay for school. If you are awarded money, you do not have to pay it back. This is awarded based on financial need.

DIRECT LOANS are borrowed monies through the U.S. Department of Education that must be repaid (with interest).

DIRECT Subsidized Loans are awarded to students who show financial need and is interest-free while the student is in school. You must start to repay this loan beginning six months after you leave school.

DIRECT Unsubsidized Loans are available to all students, regardless of financial need. Interest does start on this loan while the student is in school.

DIRECT Plus Loans are only available for parents of Dependent Students. Financial need is not a consideration. If approved for this loan, the amount will be applied directly to the student’s account. If the loan is denied, the student may apply for the maximum amount available in an Direct Unsubsidized Loan.

Scholarships are provided by some companies, professional associations, and religious groups to individuals or their family members seeking an education. Searching the internet is a great way to see what might be available to you.

Veterans Affairs Education Benefits (VA) is available for people who are eligible for veterans benefits. You can download an application form at: or you may call 1-888-442-4551 to have an application form be mailed to you or for additional questions.

*All options above may not be available at every location. Call toll free for more information.

CARES Act Funds

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